$800.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Private Coaching

1:1 Support is a game-changer.

Yes, it is possible to access more vitality, fulfillment, and abundance.  Without question, I can guide you to freedom from fear and indecision, and a radical sense of Fuck Yes! Even if you currently feel overwhelmed with responsibility, triggered by the crazy world we live in, and pulled in too many directions.

This is an incredibly loving and gentle container that will meet you exactly where you are.

Private coaching requires a minimum commitment of 3 months, but what it promises is nothing short of a profound metamorphosis—a revolution within your connection to yourself and a roadmap for your future.

This is a call to step boldly into your vision, armed with unwavering power and crystalline clarity.

Package of 6 bi-weekly sessions + Telegraph (text + voice memo) support in-between sessions.

What you'll get:

  • 6 Bi-Weekly Sessions
  • Telegraph (text + voice memo) support