$300.00 USD

Human Design

Unlock Your Breakthrough: Illuminate Your Path

Together, we'll unravel the mysteries of your unique energetic blueprint, utilizing the wisdom of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system.

*Included with this session is a customized Human Design Report 

Do you find yourself feeling stuck, grappling with your sense of self-worth, establishing boundaries, or experiencing a general sense of malaise and disconnection?

Imagine a 1 hr. session that will change everything – a session designed to bring you the clarity, direction, and inspiration you've been searching for.

In this experience, I combine the power of Human Design, intuition, and Somatic coaching to guide you through a journey of self-discovery and breakthrough. 

Why choose this session?

🔍 Insightful Human Design: Gain profound insights into your true self. Human Design goes beyond the surface, providing a deep understanding of your strengths, challenges, and untapped potential.

💡 Breakthrough Solutions: Tired of hitting dead ends? This session is designed to be a game-changer, offering breakthrough solutions that align with your individual energy, allowing you to navigate challenges with newfound clarity.

🌪️ Unleash Your Intuition: Tap into your intuition and harness its power. This session isn't just about information; it's about awakening your inner guidance system to make decisions that resonate with your authentic self.

🚀 Somatic Coaching: Experience a holistic approach that integrates mind and body. Somatic coaching helps you connect with the wisdom your body holds, bringing about transformative shifts in your mindset and overall well-being.

Whether you're seeking clarity on a specific problem or just longing for general guidance, this session is tailored to blow your mind. You'll leave with more than just answers – you'll leave with a sense of relief, direction, and a renewed inspiration for the journey ahead.

Ready to unlock the door to your breakthrough? 🌈 Book your session now and let's embark on a transformative journey together! 🚀💫