$300.00 USD

Somatic Shadow Work Session

Unlock Inner Freedom and Catalyze Self-Trust! 

Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old patterns, triggered by the past, and held back by limiting beliefs? It's time to break free and catalyze quantum leaps in your human design integration and de-conditioning journey with our transformative Somatic Shadow Work session.

🌈 What is Somatic Shadow Work?

Our bodies, or soma, store resistance patterns, emotional triggers, and limiting beliefs that often keep us from living our fullest lives. In this power-packed 50-minute session, we delve into a sensation-based process designed to help you break through fear, resentment, and conditioning that may be holding you back.

🚀 Benefits of Somatic Shadow Work:

✨ Breakthrough Old Patterns: Say goodbye to the repetitive cycles that have been keeping you from reaching your true potential.

💪 Release Emotional Triggers: Free yourself from the emotional baggage that holds you hostage, allowing for a lighter and more liberated existence.

🌐 Catalyze Quantum Leaps: Experience a profound shift in your human design integration and de-conditioning journey, propelling you forward in your personal growth.

😌 Decrease Anxiety and Shame: Let go of the burdens that weigh you down, paving the way for a more serene and confident version of yourself.

🌟 Increase Self-Confidence: Discover the power within you as you shed layers of self-doubt, revealing a newfound self-assuredness.

🔍 Gain Clear Vision: Remove the fog that clouds your path, gaining clarity and insight into your goals and aspirations.

🌪️ Enhance Personal Power: Tap into your innate strength and resilience, empowering yourself to follow your dreams with enthusiasm, knowing you have everything you need to transform your life.

🎁 What's Included:

  • 50-minute personalized Somatic Shadow Work session. Expert guidance through a trauma-informed sensation-based process.
  • Shadow Audit of your Human Design chart, illuminating the most prominent areas of conditioning.
  • Tailored approach to address your unique challenges and goals

Don't let old patterns, triggers, and limiting beliefs hold you back any longer. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with our Somatic Shadow Work session. Your transformation awaits!