This is your invitation to stop being who you think you should be, ease off the hustle-and-grind drive that got you here, and learn how to be who you truly want to be—all without sacrificing the lifestyle you desire.


Chasing ambition without deep authenticity is like running at full speed in the wrong direction.

With drive and determination, you’ve built a successful career, only to realize you're unfulfilled and burnt out. You've left parts of yourself in the rearview mirror and now you want to feel whole. 

No matter where you are on the success scale, it never feels like enough and the never ending hustle is overwhelming.


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Conventional therapy or performance and business coaching won't catalyze the transformation you seek. Your nervous system is in an overdeveloped “GO” state; it’s time to reclaim your natural “FLOW” state.


My work takes a holistic approach to PEAK PERFORMANCE. You'll heal nervous system patterns, break free from disempowering stories, and relearn how to use your energy effectively. I integrate heart-centered communication, motivational interviewing, embodiment practices, nervous system education, and energy healing through human design to help you embrace your full emotional and energetic potential. I’m a certified Somatic Practitioner and Transformational Human Design guide.


You're using your energy resources incorrectly and lasting transformation requires an integrated approach to mind, body, and spirit.


I know from experience that as a high-achieving, ambitious woman you are often juggling too many "REAL" responsibilities and feeling tired of the hamster wheel. You're spiritually curious and sense there’s another way, but you don’t know how to find it. You want practical and spiritual tools to break free and bridge the life you’ve created with the life you want.

I went from being burnt out and stuck in high gear, masking deep fears, to waking up refreshed and enthusiastic, doing inspiring work, and living with an inner sense of safety and self-love.


You can have a life you love, work that nourishes your spirit, and sustain material success without burning out!


This is a loving, trauma-informed container that tenderly meets you where you are and ignites profound shifts in happiness, freedom, and success. All of you is welcome here.



Learn more

Free Masterclass: Trust Your Inner Authority With Human Design

For newbies and HD veterans, this masterclass takes you on a transformative journey through the somatic integration of your Human Design Type, Strategy, and Authority.
Get ready to embark on a super empowering path of self-discovery!

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Human Design Reading

A 60-minute session designed to unlock the clarity, direction, and inspiration available in your unique energy design.

No two humans are exactly the same. We all deserve to understand the distinct way in which our energy works.

Together, we'll unravel the intricacies of your energy blueprint, utilizing the wisdom of Human Design which incorporates astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system.

*Included with this session is a customized Human Design Report

Schedule an intro call here.


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Somatic Coaching and Shadow Work Session

A 60 minute session designed to decrease anxiety, shame, and self-doubt, while increasing self-love, confidence, and clear vision.

The shadow is our emotional blind spot. The great misunderstanding about our shadow is that it's dark and scary, when actually 90% of the shadow is untapped potential.

This is for those caught in a self-sabotage loop, struggling to step into their true desires or wanting to understand disempowering patterns or resentments. 

Our soma (or body) stores resistance patterns, emotional triggers, and limiting beliefs. There is profound emotional relief and deep self-love available in the shadow.

Schedule a free intro call here.


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1:1 Private Coaching Package - Vision Incubator

Feminine Business Principles, Human Design, and Somatic Coaching

Bring your vision to life!

*Includes a special bonus: free 60 min. Human Design Reading

6 x 75 minute bi-weekly  coaching sessions + Telegraph (text + voice memo) support and workbook exercises in-between sessions to drive momentum.

This 3 month journey combines the power of Feminine business principles, Human Design Coaching, and Somatic Work to empower bringing a vision to life.

Yes, it is possible to access more vitality, fulfillment, and abundance.  Without question, I can guide you to  more inner freedom, less fear and indecision, and a radical sense of Fuck Yes! 

Even if you currently feel overwhelmed with responsibility, triggered by the crazy world we live in, and pulled in too many directions. This is an incredibly loving and gentle container that will meet you exactly where you are. 

This is a call to step boldly into your authentic truth, armed with unwavering power and crystalline clarity.


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Embodied Leadership  

Somatic Coaching for Executives and Teams

Integrating proactive, decisive action with openness, intuition, and collaboration can feel overwhelming amidst the demands of daily leadership.

Embracing embodied leadership means practicing the regulation of your nervous system, resolving business-related traumas, and harmonizing your mind and body in your approach to work.

Through somatic practices, you'll deepen your self-awareness, authenticity, and communication skills, fostering trust and collaboration within your team. Experience resilience and stress reduction techniques, empowering you to make informed, intuitive decisions. Cultivate inclusive environments, adaptability, and innovation, leading to increased employee engagement and satisfaction.


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Rachel Budde

-Founder, Fat and the Moon

"Danielle's approach to coaching is refreshingly holistic, practical and magical, and deeply resonates with the way I think about business as a world changing entity. The container she creates is solid yet expansive, and I'm honored to work with her at my growing edge as a human and business owner."

Karey Green

-Video Editor and Producer

"I can't thank Danielle enough for her incredible support. She has played a pivotal role in transforming my life and helping me discover my dream job. One of the most profound aspects of working with Danielle is her emphasis on trusting my instincts. With her guidance I have gained the confidence to trust my inner voice and step outside my comfort zone."

This is for Seekers

Life is an ongoing experiment—welcome to 'This is for Seekers,' a podcast. Here, we explore embodied purpose, limitless possibilities, and achieving wholeness.

Calling all ambitious purpose-seekers, high-achievers, and creative rebels navigating life's ups and downs—this conversation aims to redefine thriving, reshape our 'work' paradigm, and cultivate the soul-centered satisfaction we all crave. Sometimes, we scrap plans, allowing authenticity to flow, and trade force for instinct.

In this surrender, we discover the raw essence of things and navigate the uncharted, authentic path we were meant to follow.